青岛乔瑟食品有限公司 Chaucer Foods (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. 乔瑟食品有限公司于1982年在英国成立,是一家专业从事为现代方便食品提供快速复原配料产品的设计、加工和销售的国际性跨国公司。目前乔瑟食品有限公司分别在英国、法国、美国和中国设立姊妹公司和加工工厂。 青岛乔瑟食品有限公司成立于2003年7月,是继法国乔瑟食品有限公司北京办事处之后在中国的经营中心。 Chaucer Foods Company, founded in 1982 in UK, is a multinational company specializing in the design, production and sales of semi-finished materials for fast re-hydration convenience foods. It has set up sister companies and factories in UK, France, America and China. Chaucer Foods (Qingdao) Co Ltd. was established in July 2003 as the centre of China operations, superseding Chaucer Foods (France) Beijing Office. 青岛乔瑟食品有限公司隶属于跨国公司乔瑟食品集团。乔瑟食品专业从事快速复水天然食品的生产,产品用于多种现代方便食品的配料。我们的产品包括以创新的冷冻干燥工艺生产的水果、蔬菜、调味香辛料和奶酪。我们的产品以其天然、健康、安全的特性,被广泛的应用于早餐谷片、糖果、菜肴和面食糕点等食品中。乔瑟食品还是全球领先的配菜面包粒和零食面包小吃的生产商; 同时,也是欧洲最大的天然蘑菇精的生产商。 Chaucer Foods (Qingdao) Co Ltd is part of the worldwide Chaucer Foods Group, a manufacturer of fast re-hydrating ingredients, designed for modern convenience foods. Its innovative range of Freeze Dry Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs and Cheeses are finding increasing applications in the Cereal, Confectionary, Savory and Bakery industries where pure and natural ingredients are being demanded. Chaucer Foods is also a leading producer of Croutons and Bread Based Snacks and is Europe’s number one manufacturer of Natural Mushroom Extract. 青岛乔瑟食品有限公司位于山东省青岛市,为全球许多著名的食品生产企业提供优质的产品和服务。我们致力满足客户各方面的质量要求,使客户的满意度达到最高的水平。 Chaucer Foods (Qingdao) Co Ltd is in a leading position to meet customers needs around the world. The operation in Qingdao is focused on delivering customer quality and customer satisfaction to the highest levels. 公司地址:青岛市崂山区海尔路182-8号半岛国际大厦8楼 Address: F/8 Bandao International Mansion, 182-8Haier Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao



  • 山东青岛崂山区海尔路182-8号半岛国际大厦8楼
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