
- 职位介绍
- 工作职责 Principal Accountabilities: 1. 建立并保持与建筑商、房产投资商、发展商的关系,并向客户提供和更新旭格产品和技术解决方案; Establish and maintain contact with architects, real estate investors and developers to introduce/update their knowledge with regards to Schueco’s products and technical solutions; 2. 提供幕墙项目的技术咨询; Provide technical advises to façade project; 3. 规定项目的技术规范,将数据输入项目管理系统(CPS); Definition of technical specifications of projects and data input into project services; 4. 对市场进行分析,并输入所有相关数据; Market analysis and data entry of all relevant target groups into project services; 5. 在项目投标中,协助配合建筑师和顾问的相关工作; Assist architects and consultants in project tendering; 6. 组织建筑师的研讨会; Organize architect seminars; 7. 积极与区域销售经理合作; Cooperate with Area Sales Managers actively; 8. 完成区域销售总监安排的其他工作。 Other tasks arranged by Regional Sales Director. 任职资格 Knowledge & Skills Required: 1. 大学以上学历,建筑类或相关专业; University degree majoring in architecture or related field; 2. 五年以上的建筑行业的项目销售经验; More than five years of sales project experience in the construction industry; 3. 有铝合金门窗或幕墙行业工作经验者优先; Knowledge background of aluminum window/door system, facades is in priority; 4. 善于和建筑商、投资商、发展商建立良好的关系; Be experienced in communication and cooperation with architects, investors and developers; 5. 良好的沟通技巧;良好的自我管理能力; Good communication skills and self-management; 6. 有一定的英语能力,大学英语4级或以上; Good at English, CET 4 or above; 7. 熟练使用办公软件。 Good at Ms-Office. *欢迎关注《旭格招聘》公众号,了解更多企业信息&员工福利 *本岗位薪资面议,所以页面显示的工资非实际工资,请各位候选人见谅
- 其他信息
- 行业要求:建材
- 所属部门:华南区销售部
旭格 – 门、窗和幕墙系统解决方案的供应商
位于比勒菲尔德的德国旭格集团开发并销售门、窗、幕墙系统解决方案。旭格在全球拥有超过5650名员工,致力于在当代和未来成为技术与服务出众的行业先驱。除了提供创新的住宅类与商业类产品,作为建筑外立面专家的旭格在项目全程给予咨询和数字化解决方案 — 从最初的概念到设计、加工和安装。旭格与全球10,000名加工商、30,000家建筑事务所及建筑制造专业人士建立合作。旭格成立于1951年,集团业务现已遍及全球80多个国家。2020年,集团的年销售额达到16.95亿欧元。
Schüco – System solutions for windows, doors and façades
Based in Bielefeld, the Schüco Group develops and sells system solutions for windows, doors and façades. With 5650 employees worldwide, the company strives to be the industry leader in terms of technology and service both now and in the future. In addition to innovative products for residential and commercial buildings, the building envelope specialist offers consultation and digital solutions for all phases of a building project – from the initial idea through to design, fabrication and installation. Schüco works with 10,000 fabricators and 30,000 architectural practices, as well as construction professionals who commission buildings around the world. Founded in 1951, the company is now active in more than 80 countries and achieved a turnover of 1.695 billion euros in 2020.
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