实验室管理员 10-18k·15薪
北京-海淀区 3-5年 大专
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  • 实验室管理
  • 元器件焊接
岗位职责: 1. 负责实验室电路板的焊接,测试,及库存管理工作 2. 负责实验室仪器设备的登记和管理 3. 负责实验室电子元器件的采购及库存管理 任职要求: 1. 熟悉常用的电子元器件、芯片,能看懂电路图 2. 具有维修的基础知识、熟练使用示波器,万用表等仪器仪表 3. 具有较强的维修焊接技术 4. 熟练使用office办公软件 5. 有责任心、诚实守信,良好的学习能力,长期稳定工作


SG Micro Corp (SGMICRO) specializes in high performance, high quality analog IC design, marketing and sales. SGMICRO has introduced more than 4000 analog IC products with good reliability and consistency, including precision signal conditioning products such as amplifiers, buffers, comparators, switches and interface products, as well as the energy efficient power management ICs. Our innovative analog IC solutions with an extensive portfolio allow our customers to target such diverse and fast growing markets as smart devices, mobile electronics and green energy technologies, and have resulted in improved performance such as longer battery life, less peripheral components, smaller PCB space and lower cost. Quality and reliability are on the most of the priority list at SGMICRO at all times. SGMICRO strives to become one of the world's leading analog IC solution providers . It is therefore the policy of SGMICRO to continually improve our technologies and systems in an ongoing effort to meet and exceed our customers' expectations. Through the strictest QA system, SGMICRO assures each chip it produced of excellent quality and reliability. We pursue the leading position in analog IC industry with advanced design, superior performance and excellent quality. 圣邦微电子(北京)股份有限公司(股票代码300661)专注于高性能、高品质模拟集成电路的研发和销售。 公司产品覆盖信号链和电源管理两大领域,拥有25大类4000余款可销售型号,包括各类运算放大器及比较器、音频功率放大器、视频缓冲器、线路驱动器、模拟开关、温度传感器、模数转换器(ADC)、数模转换器(DAC)、电平转换芯片、接口电路、电压基准芯片、小逻辑芯片、LDO、微处理器电源监控电路、DC/DC降压转换器、DC/DC升压转换器、DC/DC升降压转换器、背光及闪光灯LED驱动器、AMOLED电源芯片、PMU、OVP及负载开关、电池充放电管理芯片、电池保护芯片、马达驱动芯片、MOSFET驱动芯片等。产品性能和品质对标世界先进水平,广泛应用于通讯设备、消费类电子、工业控制、医疗仪器和汽车电子等领域,以及物联网、新能源和人工智能等新兴市场。 公司技术团队由国际行业资深专家组成,拥有先进的模拟集成电路设计、工艺、测试技术和丰富的生产管理、品质管理经验,核心人员平均从业年龄超过二十年。公司全部产品自主研发,拥有完全自主知识产权,多项产品获得北京市科学技术奖、中国半导体创新产品和技术奖、“中国芯”优秀产品奖等荣誉。自2008年至今,公司连续获评“十大中国IC设计公司”。 展望未来,公司将继续厚积薄发,推陈出新,致力成为世界模拟芯片行业的领跑者。


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