IBDP项目协调员 薪资面议
武汉-黄陂区 5-10年 统招本科
朱女士 一周前在线 已认证
人事总监 · 康礼高中
  • IBDP
  • 国际高中
  • IB项目
1.项目协调与管理 :负责IB DP项目的全面协调工作,包括课程规划、时间表安排、考试管理等。 Program Coordination and Management :Responsible for the overall coordination of the IB DP program, including curriculum planning, schedule arrangement, and examination management, etc. 2.教师支持与培训:组织和实施教师专业发展活动,确保教师对IB DP课程有深入理解并能高效教学。 Teacher Support and Training (Organize and implement professional development activities for teachers to ensure a deep understanding of the IB DP curriculum and effective teaching). 3.学生指导 :为学生提供关于IB DP课程选择、学习策略和大学申请的咨询和指导。 Student Guidance :Provide students with counseling and guidance on IB DP course selection, learning strategies, and university applications). 4.质量监控 :监控和评估IB DP项目的教学质量,确保符合IBO的标准和要求。 Quality Monitoring:Monitor and evaluate the quality of the IB DP program to ensure compliance with IBO standards and requirements. 5.家长沟通 :与家长沟通,提供关于IB DP项目的信息,解答疑问,建立良好的家校关系。 Parent Communication:Communicate with parents, provide information about the IB DP program, answer questions, and establish a good home-school relationship. 6.资源管理 :管理与IB DP项目相关的教材、设施和其他资源。 Resource Management :Manage textbooks, facilities, and other resources related to the IB DP program). 7.外部联络 :与IBO及其他教育机构保持联系,确保项目信息的更新和准确性。 External Liaison:Maintain contact with the IBO and other educational institutions to ensure the program information is up-to-date and accurate). 8.政策制定与执行:参与制定与IB DP项目相关的学校政策,并确保其得到有效执行。 Policy Formulation and Implementation:Participate in the formulation of school policies related to the IB DP program and ensure their effective implementation). 任职要求: 1.教育背景 :拥有相关领域的学士学位,优先考虑具有教育学或相关学科硕士学位的候选人 Educational Background:Hold a bachelor's degree in a relevant field, with a master's degree in education or a related discipline preferred. 2.专业资格 :具有IB DP协调员资格证书或正在获取过程中 Professional Qualification:Hold an IB DP Coordinator qualification or be in the process of obtaining one). 3.工作经验 :至少五年以上在国际学校或教育机构的工作经验,至少三年以上IB DP项目协调经验者 Work Experience :At least 5 years of work experience in an international school or educational institution, with at least 3 years of experience in coordinating the IB DP program. 4.语言能力:流利的英语沟通能力,能够作为工作语言使用 Language Proficiency:Fluent in English communication, able to use it as a working language). 5.组织能力:出色的组织、规划和执行能力,能够处理多个任务和项目 Organizational Skills:Excellent organizational, planning, and execution skills, able to handle multiple tasks and projects). 6.沟通技巧:优秀的沟通和人际交往能力,能够与学生、教师、家长和外部机构有效沟通 Communication Skills:Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, able to communicate effectively with students, teachers, parents, and external organizations). 7.领导能力 :具备领导和激励团队的能力,能够引导教师和学生达成教育目标 Leadership Skills:Have leadership and team motivation skills, able to guide teachers and students to achieve educational goals). 8.技术熟练度:熟悉教育技术和在线学习平台,能够利用这些工具提高教学效率 Technical Proficiency:Familiar with educational technology and online learning platforms, able to use these tools to improve teaching efficiency). 9.持续学习 :对教育领域持续学习和自我提升有热情,愿意跟进最新的教育趋势和实践 Continuous Learning:Passionate about continuous learning and self-improvement in the field of education, willing to follow the latest educational trends and practices).


学校简介 武汉康礼高级中学位于武汉市黄陂区盘龙城经济开发区天宇路9号,占地51.6亩,投资8亿元,满员1200人,已于2022年9月开学。学校为武汉六中国际部整体改制升级独立建立的新校区,是一所提供国内高考与国际升学双轨制、国际化、高标准的优质民办学校。学校由武汉六中原校长马德驹先生担任校长,学校传承武汉六中国际部办学十年的历史沉淀、办学传统、教育理念和管理制度,融合中西方教育思想的精髓,致力成为武汉优秀、全国一流、世界知名的国际化学校。


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