机械工程师 Mechanical Engineer 10-15k
上海-徐汇区 3-5年 本科
年终奖金 五险一金 领导好 技能培训 带薪年假 子女福利 节日礼物 定期体检
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职责描述: 1、Study and digest client’s technical specification of mechanical related, recognized and identify any clause of that could magnificently impact cost and schedule of the project during biding stage. Supervise and verify the implementation of those specifications during project execution to make sure they are fulfilled; 在投标阶段研读和消化与机械相关的业主规范,识别会大幅影响项目成本和进度的条款。项目实施阶段监督和检查业主规范的实施情况,确保这些规范能够被执行; 2、Develop technical specifications, according to process data sheets, client specifications and national \ international \ industrial code and regulations, for various equipment including incineration furnaces, boilers, heat exchangers, vessels and tanks, pumps, fans and blowers, packaged equipment, as supporting documents for purchasing; 根据工艺数据表、业主规范、相关国家规范、国际规范、行业规范编制焚烧炉,急冷塔,干式反应塔,SCR反应器,烟囱,推料机,出渣机,链板机等各类设备的技术规范,作为采购技术文件; 3、Liaise with other experts of the company, external consultants and technology partners for technology selection and design; 联络公司内部专家、外部技术顾问以及技术合作方,讨论并确定技术方案的选择和详细设计; 4、Review vendors’ technical proposal and data, comment and clarify any uncertain issues to make sure vendors are fully acknowledged with the technical requirements. Perform technical bid evaluation and support project managers to complete engineering designs of equipment within budget and schedule; 审阅供应商技术方案及数据,批复和澄清一切不确定的技术问题,以确保供应商完全理解并满足技术要求。对供应商的技术文件进行评比,协助项目经理在项目进度计划和预算内完成设备设计工作; 5、Perform preliminary mechanical design and provide loading inputs to civil and steel structure of mechanical equipment from general arrangement stage; 总图布置阶段进行机械设备的初步设计,并向结构专业提出初步的设备荷载条件; 6、Engage client and vendors on technical discussions and clarifications, produce work packages for procurement, fabrication and installation; 参与与客户或供应商之间的技术澄清会,编制与设备相关的采购、制造、安装技术文件包; 7、Participate in design reviews and HAZOP studies; 参与设计审查及操作安全审查会; 8、Check compliance with QA/safety/environment requirements; 检查设备设计文件与质量保证、安全、环保相关的规范的一致性; 9、Provide on-site support for installation, commissioning and start-up; 为设备安装、调试、开车提供必要的技术支持; 10、Assist in supervision and training of new trainees and graduate engineering assistants. 监督并改进实习生或助理工程师的工作。 任职要求: Education: Bachelor degree or higher in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent related discipline. 教育:本科及以上学历,机械工程或相关专业。 Working Experience: Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in a project environment in the environmental technology, chemical, or energy related industries. 工作经验:至少有3年以上在环境技术、化工或能源相关行业工作经验。 Technical & Professional Knowledge: 技术和专业知识: 1、Good background in mechanical design and construction projects; 良好的机械设计和建造工程背景; 2、Knowledgeable in both local and international codes, standards and regulations; 熟悉国内和国际规范、标准和法规; 3、Good in vendor engagement and technical evaluation; 善于与供应商进行技术澄清和沟通谈判; 4、Team player with effective communication skills with other disciplines; 善于团队合作,能于其他同事有效沟通; 5、Communicable written and spoken English; 一般英语说写; 6、Proficient in using relevant engineering design software is desirable. 精通应用相关工程设计软件 优先考虑。


亚德集团是一家始创于德国、亚太区总部设立于新加坡的跨国环保科技集团。自2001年在中国设立全资子公司以来,其业务现已拓展至中国、马来西亚、越南、泰国、印度、中东、美国、南美洲等国家和地区。 公司在危废气固液高温焚烧、烟气净化处理、工艺废气/废水处理和烟气净化处理、非金属复合材料等领域均处于行业领先地位,是一家为化工、石化、制药、微电子、石油及天然气、采矿及金属冶炼等行业提供集可研、设计和咨询、制造和/或组装、工程项目管理、调试和运营服务为一体的一站式解决方案承包商;经过多年的研发,其HI-TO?高强度热氧化炉、罐区尾气收集处理VVT?系统、LeDeNOx?低能耗超低氮氧化物焚烧技术、Redu-Reox?低氮回转窑焚烧系统、尾气超净排放技术等数百项专有技术和专利,均领先于行业整体水平。 亚德集团在全球拥有300多个各类高温焚烧及烟气净化业绩,其中,亚德中国为拜耳、巴斯夫、赢创、扬子巴斯夫、诺华制药、万华化学、蓝星安迪苏、新和成等优质客户提供了30余套各类高标准、低排放的危废焚烧及辅助系统;并建有国内最大单体危废气液焚烧系统,众多优秀精品业绩领先业内同行。亚德(上海)环保系统有限公司作为亚德集团大中华区的总部已经科技部认定为《高新技术企业》。


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