后端工程师 12-15k·13薪
深圳-光明区 3-5年 统招本科
带薪年假 扁平管理 团队聚餐 五险一金 管理规范 500强
熊女士 1天前在线 已认证
Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the development, architecture design, maintenance, and performance optimization of internal e-commerce, SaaS, and other product servers within the company; 2. Analyze project requirements, be able to provide good solutions, mainly responsible for web backend development or application service architecture design and maintenance related to business; 3. Collaborate with other team members to complete development and debugging work. Requirements: 1. Bachelor's degree or above in computer science and related fields; 2. Proficient in web backend development; More than 3 years of experience in web backend development, and more than 2 years of experience in Node.js project development. Able to independently develop, design, and maintain related functional modules. SaaS industry experience is preferred; 3. Familiar with commonly used Node.js development frameworks such as Express, Koa, Egg.js, Nest, etc; 4. Familiar with the development of RESTFUL API interfaces, with relevant project development experience; 5. Familiar with basic operations of MySQL, MongoDB, Redis and other databases; 6. Understand the principles of computer systems, basic knowledge of operations and maintenance, and have a deep practical ability in a certain field such as basic networks, storage, databases, CDN, etc. is preferred; 7. I have a high passion for technology and actively follow and understand the latest developments in industry technology. Has good communication and cross team collaboration skills, strong ability to handle pressure;


Siemens 数字化工厂事业部旗下业务部 Siemens PLM Software 是全球**的软件解决方案提供商,致力于推动行 业数字化转型,为制造商创造新的机会,实现创新。Siemens PLM Software 的总部位于美国得克萨斯州普莱 诺市,在全球拥有超过 140,000 个客户,并与所有规模的企 业协同工作,帮助他们转变将想法变成现实的方式、产品实 现方式以及使用和了解运行中产品和资产的方式。要了解有 关 Siemens PLM Software 产品和服务的更多信息,请访问 ******************* 公司地址: 上海office: 上海市杨浦区大连路500号西门子上海中心 上海PPDC 研发中心:上海市长宁区长宁路1018号,龙之梦大楼F13-F14 北京office: 北京市朝阳区望京中环南路7号西门子大厦9-10层 成都mindsphere 研发中心: 四川省 成都市 高新西区 西芯大道7号 成都office:成都市高新区天华二路81号,天府软件园C区6号楼,1/2楼 深圳office: 深圳市南山区华侨城汉唐大厦9楼 广州office: 广州市天河区天河路208号粤海天河城大厦8层


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