商务拓展副总监(Alliance)(J15840) 35-45k·16薪
上海-徐汇区 5-10年 硕士
年终奖金 绩效奖金 通讯津贴 餐费补贴 公司规模大 管理规范 技能培训 岗位晋升
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  • BD
  • Alliance
职责描述: Partnership Management and Cooperation: 1. Establish clear governance framework, communication mechanism and operation processes to ensure efficient and effective alliance with BD partners. 2. Manage a portfolio of partnerships, work closely with internal and external stakeholders to manage responsibilities, mitigate risks, and ensure alliance objectives are achieved. 3. Drive joint meetings (JSC, JDC, etc.) and communicate outcomes and insights for current and future assets; Provide strategic updates to governance team and senior management. 4. Identify, evaluate, and leverage scientific capabilities and technical platform of our partners to enhance the R&D capability of Henlius and rapidly expand the existing pipeline. 5. Timely and accurately report all financial elements in collaboration with finance and other teams. Contract Obligations 1. Identify and bring disputes and issues that may result in disputes (including without limitation any asserted occurrence of a material breach by a Party) to the attention of the JSC in a timely manner, and function as the point of first referral in all matters of conflict resolution. 2. Provide a single point of communication for seeking consensus both internally within the Parties’ respective organizations and between the Parties. 3. Plan and coordinate cooperative efforts, internal communications and external communications between the Parties with respect to this Agreement. 4. Take responsibility for ensuring that meetings and the issuance of meeting agendas and minutes occur as set forth in this Agreement, and that relevant action items resulting from such meetings are appropriately carried out or otherwise addressed. In/Out Licensing Project Support 1. Support the assessment of market dynamics and future landscape to identify the licensing opportunities including early research projects, new modality platform, early and late clinical stage opportunities, and identify threats and risks in a timely manner. 2. Provide other support to in-licensing and out-licensing as required. 任职要求: 1. Master’s degree or above in Science / Medical/ Biochemistry (MBA is a plus). 2. 8+ years experiences in Search & Evaluation/ Research & Development /Alliance Management / BD related experience preferred. 3. Experience across multiple therapeutic areas with a current focus on oncology and immunology preferred. 4. Good planning and project management capability; negotiation and deal making experience preferred. 5. Good communication and interpersonal skills to interact with and influence a diverse group of internal and external stakeholders. 6. Fluent in both written and spoken English.


上海复宏汉霖生物技术股份有限公司(以下简称复宏汉霖)由上海复星医药(集团)与美国科学家团队于2009年12月合资组建,公司主要致力于应用前沿技术进行单克隆抗体生物类似药、生物改良药以及创新单抗的研发及产业化。公司注册资金为3.5亿人民币,目前累计投入约4亿多人民币用于单抗药物的前期研发。 目前复宏汉霖正在开发的产品主要覆盖肿瘤、自身免疫性疾病等领域,公司研发团队核心人员具有国外大型医药企业多个单抗药物的前期研发以及单抗药物产业化经验。公司以全球联动整合创新为产品开发理念,在中国上海、美国加州均设有研发实验室,配备了单抗药物前期研发所需的符合国际化标准的各项仪器设备,其中上海实验室总面积约4,300㎡,现已完成单克隆抗体药物开发平台的建设。 复宏汉霖总部位于上海市漕河泾高新技术开发区,公司已于2015年底完成了符合国际GMP标准、采用国际先进的一次性生物反应器等设备的、国际先进的抗体药物中试以及产业化生产基地的建设。截至目前,公司团队已完成8个产品、13项适应症IND申报的高效研发,位于国内同行业先导地位。其中6 个产品已经全部获得CFDA的11项适应症的临床批件。值得瞩目的是,复宏汉霖的第一个创新型生物改良型单抗HLX07已获两地临床批准,分别是中国和美国,成功实现了研发产品的国际化战略,并已在台湾开展临床一期研究。复宏汉霖品种HLX01 “重组人鼠嵌合抗CD20单克隆抗体注射液” 的非霍奇金淋巴瘤淋巴瘤适应症,以及第2个品种HLX02“重组抗HER2人源化单克隆抗体”的乳腺癌适应症,目前均处于三期临床研究阶段。1个品种HLX01的第2个适应症以及第3个品种HLX03“重组抗TNFα全人单克隆抗体注射液”、第4个品种“重组抗VEGF人源化单克隆抗体注射液”均处于临床一期研究阶段。 展望未来,复宏汉霖人将始终以“持续创新,卓越运营;以优质生物药,造福全球病患”为使命,不断探索发展,专注提供质高价优的生物药,积极打造成全球最受景仰的创新型生物医药公司。 官网:***************


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