新零售运营主任 10-15k·13薪
上海-长宁区 1-3年 大专
年底双薪 带薪年假 定期体检 岗位晋升 五险一金 发展空间大
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  • 电商分销
  • 电商运营
  • 经销商管理
  • 价格管理
  • 客户关系管理
  • 快消品
1、经销商管理:良好客户关系管理,完成铺货等目标,渠道价盘稳定,定期复盘沟通; 2、销售达成:结合内部资源,运营策略制定店铺年度节奏和销售,把控各项费用预算以及实施,完成销售目标; 3、根据公司价值链管理平台和经销商自营价格进行价格管理。 职位要求: 1、大专或以上学历,电商,市场营销等相关专业优先; 2、2年至少以上电商管理经验, 有水饮,快消品行业经验优先; 3、良好的客户规划及经销商管理经验; 4、有优秀的历史成绩,有团队精神,有责任心。


维他奶国际集团有限公司(00345.HK)是一家专注植物饮品及食品的生产及分销商,总部设于香港。维他奶于1940年由罗桂祥博士创立,公司一直以来为大众提供各种高品质产品,以「美味、营养及可持续发展」作为开拓产品的方针,从而推动可持续的营养,并将社会责任及回馈社会的精神融入日常业务中。目前,集团业务遍布全球約40个市场,并在香港、中国内地、澳洲和新加坡设有生产基地,拥有员工7000余人。 Vitasoy International is a leading international manufacturer and distributor of plant-based food and beverages listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Established in 1940 by Dr Kwee-seong Lo, we promote sustainable nutrition through our high-quality product portfolio, integrating social responsibility into our business and contributing to the communities that we serve via nutrition based education programs. We have evolved from our beginning in Hong Kong and we now have more than 7,000 employees on the ground in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Australia, Singapore, the Philippines and the United States. Our two major brands are VITASOY, which markets nutritious soy and other plant-based beverages and tofu, and VITA, a brand for tea and other ready to drink categories. 维他奶于1994年在中国深圳建立厂房,随着业务稳步发展,陆续于上海、佛山和武汉设立生产基地,并在上海、广州、深圳设立分公司,主要生产和销售植物成分为主的饮品,包括豆奶类、其他植物饮料和茶饮料等。迄今,公司在中国内地员工人数超过4000人,维他奶亦已成为国内即饮豆奶领先品牌,在广州、深圳、上海等一线城市占较大优势。 Vitasoy entered into China market in 1994 and established its first plant in Shenzhen. Along with the steady business development, we have gradually set up plants in Shanghai, Foshan and Wuhan whilst operating regional offices in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with more than 4000 employees. We mainly produce and sell plant-based beverages, including soy milk, tea drinks and other plant-based beverages. Nowadays, Vitasoy, as a leading brand in domestic market of ready-to-drink soy milk, has the dominated advantage in first-tier cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai.


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