真空镀膜研发工程师 (MJ000299) 15-20k·13薪
广州 3-5年 硕士
五险一金 带薪年假 定期体检 免费班车 管理规范 技能培训 年底双薪 补充医疗险
陈女士 1天前在线 已认证
  • PVD工艺
  • 真空镀膜
  • 物理气相沉积
  • 英语流利
Position Summary - Work in an international R&D team on the development of optical coatings (AR coatings) for ophthalmic lenses - Perform qualifications of new coatings and processes in the regulatory framework of medical products and within our internal development procedures - Contribute with your ideas to new and innovative products, processes and coatings - Collaborate closely with the teams of Clean Coating and Hard Coating within the Process Development department in Germany and China - Build close relationship and reliable interfaces with our global production engineering team and local engineers from operations (OPS) in qualifying and implementing new AR processes - Link & Sync with product management and innovation center on product and process demands Responsibility - Lead and execute dedicated and aligned R&D project work packages within our internal procedures ((e.g. APQP, PSGP, TESGP, …) and report about progress on a regular basis in an elaborated and aligned format to Project related stakeholders - Follow actively our internal procedures (e.g. APQP, PSGP, TESGP, …) for development, validation, qualification and implementation of new coating products and processes and manage the necessary documentation (e.g. PFMEA, PFD, PPDS, S Eng, TQ reports,…) - Implement statistically meaningful experimental plans, execute these plans in the lab at the coater and interpret results/data (e.g. Qualifications results, Operations data, Quality data, …) - Manage resources (Coater availability, AR coating technician, your own time, support from GPE/OPS) to drive aligned projects and achieve agreed development goals - Contribute to the improvement of the various AR coatings and processes under the aspects of efficiency, cost, durability, sustainability, functionality and regulatory requirements within agreed projects - Analyze new materials or products generated with new technologies and interpret the results under different aspects, as e.g. intellectual property, consumer usability, … - Do research on relevant and aligned topics and generate own ideas and plan their implementation Requirement - Completed university degree, preferably with a Master degree or above ,applied physics, optics, materials science or related subjects - Extensive experience in or a combination of the following: →vacuum deposition processes (Must) →interference optics (Good to have) →thin films (Good to have) →surface modification/functionalization (Optional ) →Layer design (Optional) →Material (Optional) - Hands-on attitude - Knowledge of project management concepts, proved experience in projects with cross-functional teams - Preferably proved Six Sigma experience or similar statistical methods - Ideally more than 2 years of experience in product or process development - Self-learning / Self - Motivating


卡尔蔡司集团(Carl Zeiss AG)是全球视光学和光电子工业领域知名的跨国公司,总部设在德国Oberkochen,旗下拥有四大事业群:半导体制造技术、工业质量与研究、光学消费品市场和医疗技术。作为光学领域的先驱,我们持续不断地探索未知领域。怀揣不懈追求卓越的极大热情,我们为客户创造价值,并激发世界以全新的方式进行视觉体验。 蔡司在您生活的时时刻刻里默默陪伴着,《魔戒》三部曲、《荒野猎人》、《变形金刚:月黑之时》这些耳熟能详的电影,都是由蔡司电影镜头拍摄的。风靡全球的乐高玩具,也使用了蔡司的技术,通过蔡司精准的工业测量技术,让每个小方块都能契合地拼在一起。蔡司在尊重员工权益方面也有悠久的历史,100多年前,蔡司的创始人之一阿贝博士便在蔡司推行8小时工作制、有薪假期、有薪病假、退休金等制度,让蔡司公司成为现代雇员保障制度的先导者。 数字化和网络正极大地加速全球化。强大的新公司正在建成,并在逆转着整个行业。只有那些有强有力的架构和灵活应变的公司才能保持竞争力。蔡司拥有约 30,000 名员工,业务遍及全球近 50 个国家,拥有约 60 家自己的销售和服务公司,30 多个生产工厂和约25 个开发基地。蔡司 90% 的营业额都来自于德国境外。 在广州中新知识城的蔡司制造基地中,视力保健和医疗技术两大事业群强强联合。 我们拥有: -智能制造基地:视力保健事业部全球产能和产值***的大规模制造基地 -高端定制车房:应用全球***的自由成型加工技术,创新为全球客户提供高品质处方镜片的加工中心。 -医疗器具制造商:蔡司中国区新业务,为全球市场提供高端眼科治疗所需的医用耗材。 公司福利: 基本保障: -5天8小时工作制; -年终双薪; -为员工购买多种社会保险及商业保险; -购买住房公积金; -有薪年假、服务假,有薪病假及婚假、产假等多种假期; -免费提供食宿; -工作日提供往返市区班车; 蔡司定制: -员工生日活动; -部门团队建设; -员工配镜福利; 培训发展: -各层级及个人针对性的培训课题; -国外培训机会; -员工康乐委员会组织丰富多彩的业余活动。 我们期待责任感强、工作态度积极主动、有团队精神的人才加入我们,一起创造一个令人振奋和辉煌的未来。


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