财务主管 10-12k
南京 3-5年 本科
发展空间大 管理规范 带薪年假 定期体检
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Main responsibilities 主要职责 会计核算职能Accountant’s calculation function 1) 审核报销单据及时编制会计凭证,根据审核后的记帐凭证做好会计凭证的录入、过帐和汇总。Review reimbursement documents, prepare accounting documents timely, do accounting entry, posting and summary according to the audited bookkeeping evidence. 2) 定期核对债权、债务,及时催收和清理往来款,减少流动应收款及资金占用。Regularly check the claims and debts, do timely collection and clearing of accounts, reduce the flow of receivables and capital occupancy. 3) 指导出纳的现金收付款。Direct cashier's cash payment. 4) 发票开票的相关工作。The invoice related work. 5) POS收款系统的核对及管理。Check and management of POS collection system. 6) 对会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表等会计档案及时地分类、整理、归档。Do timely classification, sorting, filing of accounting vouchers, accounting books, accounting statements and other accounting records. 7) 编制会计报表和各种分析报告,按期向总部财务部和南京院长报送。Preparation of accounting reports and analysis reports to the headquarter financial department and the director of Nanjing regularly. 8) 按月核算能源,物业费用并进行相关支付。Do monthly accounting of energy, mansion management costs and execute related payments. 9) 处理报销的相关事宜。Deal with reimbursement related issues. 10) 协调公司各职能部门与本部门的配合沟通。Coordinate with the company’s functional departments to communicate and cooperate. 11) 参加全院例会,参与各项培训并协助其它部门的工作。Participate in the facility’s meeting, various training and assist the work of the other departments. 12) 完成领导交办的其他工作。Complete the other work assigned by the leadership. 各项运营指标的测算与汇报Calculation and report of the operational indicators 13) 关注并测算运营指标,及时出具各种指标数据及报告。Focus on and calculate the operational indicators, and timely issue a variety of indicators and reports. 14) 年末协调各部门的预算编制与汇总,平时就各运营部门日常各项指标与预算做对比,提醒各部门注意。 Coordinate all the departments’ budget preparation and summary at the end of the year, remind the other departments to pay attention to the daily various operational indicators and budget. 15) 及时编制每年度的财务决算。Timely preparation of financial statements for each year. 16) 在总部财务的指导下,通过院长审核后,使用集团财务软件进行财务汇报。Under the guidance of the headquarter financial department and approved by the director, use the group’s financial software to do financial report. 固定资产,低值易耗品及药品的管理Fixed assets, low value consumables and drugs management 17) 及时建立各种台账,进行各种台账的更新,监督公司的固定资产,存货和其他资产的安全完整。The timely establishment of all the ledger, updating of all the ledger, overseeing the safety and integrity of the company's fixed assets, inventories and other assets. 18) 确保固定资产的申购、转移、报废手续完善,每项固定资产有据可查。Ensure the fixed assets’ purchase, transfer, disposal procedures are complete, and each fixed asset is well documented. 19) 做好固定资产的年终盘点及平时抽检工作。Do a good job in the year-end inventory of fixed assets of and usually sampling work. 20) 监督低值易耗品(含药房)的领用与盘点。Monitor the reception and inventory of low value consumables (including pharmacy). 相关政府部门和会计事务所的联系配合Related government departments’ and accounting firms’ contact and cooperation 21) 协调工商、税务等政府部门的关系。Coordinate the relationship with industrial and commercial department, taxation department and the other government departments. 22) 完成各政府相关部门对公司的审查工作。Complete the examination work of government related departments of the company. 23) 配合公司总部及会计师事务所完成每年两次的审计工作。Cooperate with the headquarter’ and accounting firms’ audit two times per year. Competencies required a 能力要求 1. 具有平衡内外部客户关系的能力; 2. 善于沟通,勇于表达,具有创新思维; 3. 为人诚信可靠,具有高度的责任感和团队协作精神; 4. 工作热忱,目标明确,并有长远的职业发展规划。 Qualification and experience required 资历及经验要求 5. 财务或会计相关专业,本科学历,持有会计从业资格证书; 6. 三年以上会计和财务管理相关工作经验; 7. 熟悉行业会计,财务知识,熟悉国际会计准则; 8. 熟悉中国税法及相关财政制度; 9. 熟练运用财务软件,有SAP系统操作经验优先; 10. 熟练使用Microsoft office办公软件。


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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