环境/健康/安全(EHS)工程师 10-20k
深圳-龙岗区 5-10年 大专
年终奖金 五险一金 通讯津贴 免费班车 餐费补贴 带薪年假 年度旅游 节日礼物 定期体检
李女士 2天前在线 已认证
职责描述: 1 Be responsible for overall facility operation, maintenance, repair, trouble shooting, including but not limited to the system of air-conditionner, HVAC, power and distribution, lighting, compressed air, firefighting and buliding. 2 Overall ESD anti-static management , set up the system and implement to the daily ESD control. 3 Manage special equipment to match related laws and regulations. 4 Set up facility equipment inspection and preventive maintenance plan and make regular update and improvement. 5 Set up safety plan and do routine walkthrough inspection to identify and eliminate safety risks. 6 Set up and implement the effective emergency response plan and ensure the people safety & facility equipment smooth running. 7 Establish and maintain ISO 14001 system & OHSAS 18001 as per company strategy .. 8 Responsible for internal & external audit on EHS and communications. 9 Responsible for communication and cooperation with government related department to insure normal production of company. 10 Provide EHS training to all employees and issue regular promotions to strengthen employee safety awareness. 11 Perform other tasks assigned by the leader. 任职要求: 1 College degree above, major in EHS engineering related field; 2 Be familiar with National and local law and regulations. 3 Be familiar with ISO 14001/ ISO 45001/ESD 20.20; 4 Be able to work independently to design and implement the safety set up for the plant; 5 At least 5 years’ experience in a manufacturing company in electronics industry. 6 Spoken and written English is a must (Minimum CET 4).


捷温集团 捷温总部位于美国底特律,在纳斯达克上市,足迹遍布全球,在13个国家雇有超过14,000名员工。 作为热电技术领域的带领者,我们为全球市场设计、开发和制造加热、制冷和通风设备。我们的核心产品是加热座椅,温控座椅、电子和线束客户包括奔驰,奥迪,宝马,大众,通用,丰田,本田等。 捷温深圳 捷温深圳建于2012年,位于以电子产品供应地著称的深圳龙岗坂田。总投资达1150万美元,占地近7000平方米,现有人员300人左右。工作环境安全舒适,管理正规人性化,注重人才保留及发展。 我们为员工提供如下福利: 1 五险一金; 2 周末双休; 3 餐补; 4 通讯补贴; 5 年终奖; 6 年度免费体检; 7 培训; 8 员工活动(年会,生日会,包饺子,年度旅游,节日/过年礼品等) 公司地址:深圳市龙岗区坂田吉华路466号新天下华赛工业区1号厂房1楼(公司提供福田、南山宝安、罗湖、龙华、龙岗方向班车)


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