保洁 3-4k
北京-西城区 经验不限 学历不限
陈女士 一周前在线 已认证
  • 酒店保洁
工作职责: 1、按要求和标准负责清扫整理客房和楼层公共区域; 2、客人退房时的客房检查; 3、遇见客人要做到微笑、开口问候,有义务接受和安抚客人的投诉。 任职要求: 1、初中以上学历,20-40岁,身体健康; 2、普通话标准,具有踏实勤奋的工作态度和纪律意识、团队意识强; 3、踏实肯干、能够吃苦耐劳、注重基本的礼貌礼仪。


VUE Hotel by the Orange Hotels Group is part of a growing global phenomenon of locally rooted boutique hospitality brands, which aim to immerse its guests in authentic and bespoke experiences. With locations in key cities across China, the Vue Hotel brand draws proudly from the culture and context of where its properties are located, but always does so with a contemporary and whimsical twist. Unapologetically modern in its approach, the brand embodies the desires of the urbane traveller; creating comfortable and inviting spaces that are paired with intriguing art and delectable cuisine. VUE Hotel Houhai, Beijing VUE Hotel’s flagship property is located in Beijing, in the Hutong district of Houhai. The hotel compound sits on the edge of the picturesque Houhai lake, and neighbours a verdant public park, as well as historic Hutong houses which are still used by local inhabitants today. Located along Houhai’s banks are also a district of bars and vibrant cafes. VUE – 后海边的高端设计师酒店,重新定义低调的奢华 Vue Hotel:由喜达屋旗下“设计师酒店集团”获奖设计公司MOD设计,国际团队管理,来自于瑞吉等高端奢华酒店的工作人员 Pink Rabbit Restaurant:曾就职于国际米其林三星餐厅的The Pink Rabbit行政总厨,倾力打造北京高端西班牙餐厅新标准 FAB Café Bakery: 曾就职于国际米其林三星餐厅的FAB饼房行政总厨,给你不一样的咖啡和下午茶体验;  Moon Bar:俯瞰后海、有露天Jacuzzi的屋顶奢华私密酒吧,京城时尚新会所


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