SMB Partner Manager, China 薪资面议
新加坡 3-5年 本科
绩效奖金 股票期权 弹性工作 带薪年假 领导好 扁平管理 午餐补助 通讯津贴 定期体检 管理规范 技能培训 团队聚餐 生育补贴 上市公司 子女福利
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Facebook's mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. Through our family of apps and services, we're building a different kind of company that connects billions of people around the world, gives them ways to share what matters most to them, and helps bring people closer together. Whether we're creating new products or helping a small business expand its reach, people at Facebook are builders at heart. Our global teams are constantly iterating, solving problems, and working together to empower people around the world to build community and connect in meaningful ways. Together, we can help people build stronger communities — we're just getting started. Facebook’s mission is to make the world more open and connected. The Small & Medium Business (SMB) team contributes directly to this mission by connecting every small business in the world with their customers on Facebook and then helping them grow through solutions like Facebook Pages and Advertising. We succeed when we help our partners grow their business. Partners of all sizes play a key role in helping small and medium businesses in China find success through going global via Facebook. Partner Managers will be directly responsible for enabling key partners to drive results for their customers - through consultation and education. Success in this position requires passion for helping businesses in China to go global, exceptional consultative sales, coaching and client service skills; a willingness to experiment; the ability to thrive in a dynamic, team-focused environment and being able to manage ambiguity. This position is based in Facebook’s APAC Headquarters in Singapore. Responsibilities • Become an expert in Facebook's solutions for business of all sizes and adapt recommendations quickly to suit varying client needs • Develop and implement programs to build and improve partner experience • Consult and coach partners to achieve greater results on Facebook • Communicate clearly the progress of monthly/quarterly initiatives to internal and external stakeholders, including the ability to synthesize feedback and adjust plans accordingly • Operate as the lead point of contact for any and all strategic matters specific to your partner portfolio, including escalation and troubleshooting to resolve client issues in a timely manner • Gather partner and client feedback to enhance ad products and the customer experience • Represent Facebook at conferences, events or through webinars Minimum Qualifications • BA/BS degree • 3+ years experience in digital agency, tech/mobile start-up or e-commerce • Fluency and excellent communication skills in mandarin Chinese and English • Ability to manage ambiguity by coping with uncertainty and risk, as well as adapting to change • Exceptional communication and presentation skills Preferred Qualifications • Strong critical thinking, analytical skills with an entrepreneurial and proactive mind-set • Ability to effectively prioritize tasks and manage time, even under high- pressure


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