Rotork, is the world leader in actuation technology with headquarter in Bath. It is one of the top 10 listed companies of UK. Over 50 years of company history, Rotork has extended 150 offices and representatives throughout the world. We supply valve actuators to Chinese West to East Natural Gas Project. Now, our wholly-owned subsidiary in shanghai Minghang district, is welcoming high caliber candidates to achieve a rapid and sustaining growth together. 罗托克是在阀门控制器领域知名的英国公司,总部位于英国巴斯,排名位列英国上市公司前十位。经过50年公司发展历史,拥有全球150个分支机构,是中国西气东输项目阀门控制器的供应商。现由于中国业务的迅速发展,诚邀所述人才加盟我们在闵行区联曹路的独资公司。您将获得具有竞争力的薪酬与完善的福利待遇以及良好的职业发展机遇。 应聘者请将简历寄至:闵行区联曹路260号G栋, 罗托克阀门控制技术(上海)有限公司 人力资源部,邮编201108; (应聘者请务必注明职位空缺的信息来源)
