SupplyOn 是提供专业供应链协同云解决方案的软件咨询公司,总部位于德国慕尼黑,致力于服务汽车、航空、铁路等制造业领域,帮助企业优化并落地供应链方案,实现企业数字化转型战略。 目前 SupplyOn 建立的全球供应链生态圈已连接了 150 个国家的 170,000 多家企业。 SupplyOn 提供从流程咨询到方案落地的一站式服务,其产品覆盖供应商管理,战略寻源,电子竞标,质量管理,采购到付款(P2P),金税方案,运输管理,大数据分析,工业 4.0 解决方案等流程。 借助实践和行业经验,助力企业快速部署成功落地。 SupplyOn, a German software consulting company, provides professional supply chain collaboration solution. We are committed to the manufacturing industry and our solutions cover industry-specific features in the automotive, aerospace, railway and engineering industries. We connect business partners worldwide and ensures the long-term success of supply chain. This dynamic company network has connected more than 170,000 enterprises from 150 countries. SupplyOn was recognized as a leader in Multi enterprise Supply Chain Business Networks by Gartner in 2021. SupplyOn reproduces all of the processes in the digital supply chain in a structured, transparent and secure manner – whether the goods to be procured are production materials, services or indirect material; regardless how big your business partner is and where they are located.



  • SupplyOn解决方案设计的初衷:使全球网络下的企业能一起展开工作——甚至超越企业自身范围。