Introduction of Greka China
Green Dragon Gas is the parent company of Greka China, and is exclusively focused in gas industry in China. Green Dragon operates within China under its subsidiary Greka.
Green Dragon Gas is an international company listed on London Stock Exchange, and Greka (China) Co.,Ltd is its subsidiary in China. Greka is a gas supplier based in China with a focus on the exploration, development, production, distribution and sales of natural gas from coal seam, commonly known as coal bed methane or CBM.
Greka holds the goal to increase the degree of vertical integration in its operation. In China, Greka entered into production sharing contracts for CBM development in its five blocks with CUCBM, a state-owned enterprise specializing in the niche oil and gas-related areas.
Greka generates its CBM supply from four projects in Shanxi, Jiangxi, Anhui and Guizhou provinces covering acreage of a total of 7,589 and an estimated 23.1 Tcf of Gas-in-place. By now, the first drilling team owing five technically advanced drilling rigs manufactured from the States and 150 technical personnel has already been completed. It has successfully drilled over 40 CBM wells in Qinshui Shizhuang South site in Shanxi, which could produce over 20 thousands cube meters CBM per day.
Greka plans to explore and drill over 100 CBM wells in Jincheng(with an estimated 0.4 billion cube meters of gas) by 2010 where the number of the produced gas would reach 100--200 thousands cube meters.
Greka CBM distribution from these projects to customers is mainly in the form of Compressed Natural Gas(CNG) and to a lesser extent, via pipeline in the form of Piped Natural Gas(PNG).
Greka's strategic commercial development plan is to become a gas supplier combined with upstream, midstream and downstream. Recently, it has successfully purchased CNG service station in Shakou Road, Zhengzhou and is working on purchasing more stations in Xinzheng Airport, Xinzheng and Jiyuan cities. It has also been a member of board of directors of Petro China Hengren Petro-Gas Company which is specializing in " West-East natural gas transmission project " gas offer, successfully obtained the management right in the " West-East project " .
Greka has fully spreaded its commercial strategic layout in Beijing, Shanghai, Henan, Shanxi, Anhui and Jiangxi etc.