广东欧亚包装有限公司成立于2002年6月,公司长期致力于铝气雾罐的研发、设计、生产和销售。经过十多年的发展,公司目前已经成为中国领先的铝气雾罐生产商,是一家在技术研发、客户资源、运营管理、生产设备、品质控制等方面具备竞争优势的专业化金属包装企业。是香港上市公司中国铝罐控股(*******)成员企业;中国铝罐(瓶)包装产业基地;金属包装行业的佼佼者,服务全球众多知名品牌;公司目前,年产能达2亿罐以上。公司订单充足、发粮准时,提供有竞争力的薪资福利。我们秉承“吸纳人才,培养人才,留用人才”的人力资源政策,欢迎优秀的您加入“欧亚包装”,与我们同发展,共成长!公司福利:公司实行5天8小时工作制;员工均享受国家规定法定节假日,如带薪年假、婚假等各种福利假期;员工入职即购买五险,公积金根据员工意愿购买,外加团体意外险;节假日发放慰问金或礼品;年度优秀员工评选并颁发丰厚奖金;年度旅游、文艺晚会;提供免费美味可口工作餐(公司自己管理的饭堂);提供公寓式员工宿舍(提供空调&热水);上、下班厂车接送;年度安排员工健康体检;员工上岗劳动防护用品工作服齐全;每年6-10月统一发放高温津贴;每月10日准时发放上月工资;公司订单充足,任务饱满,生产一线岗位有加班机会,多劳多得,优劳优得;为每位员工设置完善的职业培训课程,提供公平公正的考核晋升机会。Company ProfileEuro Asia Packaging(Guangdong)Co.Limited(EAP) is a company dedicated in aluminum aerosol can manufacufacturer.It wasestablished in June 2002 under the name of Euro Asia Packaging(Zhongshan)Co.,Ltd,and then be changed to limited liability company July 2008.EAP becomes the biggest aluminum aerosol can manufacturer in China,equipped with 12 advanced automatic production lines,providing various kinds of aluminum cans with diameter 22 *** to 66 ***,height 58 *** to 280 ***.There are ten lines in the secondary factory,which can be equipped with twelve automatic aluminum can production lines and also has been put into production at July 2008.And,we introduce an advanced automatic new line from Italy and started operations in April,2009.This line is equipped with the most advanced 9 color offset printingmachine in the world,which can meet customer’s special printing requirements.EAP becomes the fist aluminum factory which have 9 color offsetting printing technology.And production capacity will reach 200 million per year.



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