The Dragon Trip(上海众磊旅行社有限公司)是领先的探险及游学主题的旅游供应商。我们提供背包客探险项目及优质游学项目。公司有着充满激情的创业团队,与世界上最具前瞻思维的学校及教育机构合作。办公室分布于,上海,伦敦和波士顿。The Dragon Trip致力于使外国旅游者了解各个目的地产品(中国,日本,东南亚),提供包罗万象的私人订制行程,从学校交流访问、企业参观到看望孤儿院、书法课等等。
The Dragon Trip is a leading adventure and educational tour provider for foreign travelers in China, Japan, South East Asia, and India. The company focuses on showing the Real side of these countries by providing adventurous tours for young people and educational excursions for students. The company has offices in London, Boston, and Shanghai.