深圳云之彩美术工艺用品有限公司是云之彩(国际)香港有限公司旗下的一间研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的独资企业,位于深圳宝安区观澜街道,占地15000平方米,现有职员500余人。公司拥有专业的生产设备100多台, 颜料生产设备及生产线已达到国内先进水平,具有日产30吨各类颜料的生产能力。
云之彩公司有相当强的自主开发能力, R&D部是由经验丰富专业技术人员组成,主要技术人员从事颜料产品开发二十余年,并成功开发和完善几十种产品,是同行中权威极高的专家。
深圳云之彩美术工艺用品有限公司是专门为欧美发达国家的儿童及工艺美术爱好者研发和提供优质画材的外资出口企业。 所有产品均采用国际先进配方,精选进口优质材料,精密研制而成.安全无毒,品质优良。 产品符合美国ASTM D4236和欧洲EN71安全标准,并获得美国ACMI学校产品AP认证,为欧美顶级品牌颜料中国指定供应商。
Shenzhen Wingart manufactures products for many great companies in North America, Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Africa and the Middle East. More than 70% of our products wind up on the shelves of major American retail stores and in school classrooms across America. We value and take great pride in the relationships that we have with our customers. Every day we go to great lengths to satisfy the ever growing and ever changing demands of our customers and work hard to ensure that our high quality and very competitive prices enable our customers to enjoy the greatest level of success possible in their markets.