龙腾货代(中国)有限公司于2001年在上海创立,是一家具有一定规模的多元化国际货运企业。多年来,我们致力为国内及海外工商企业提供专业的国际货物运输服务,更不断因应市场及客户需求的变迁,提出更具效益的新构思,藉以协助客户减低营运成本随着业务发展需要,龙腾货代更于中国各主要城市设立分公司,配合全球近百个的强大代理网络,无论客户的运输项目有多复杂,我们都能应付自如,确保能为客户提供一站式的门到门运输方案。龙腾亦于2007年与多年合作的国际伙伴成立欧洲亚洲联盟(简称EAA), 综合各国际伙伴的网络优势,能更有效地为你们提供全面和贴心的服务。请点选EAA去了解更多关于欧洲亚洲联盟。龙腾的营运理念简单鲜明,以忠诚、专业、专注及热心的服务态度满足客户各项需求。在此经营理念下,公司由上至下贯彻执行;跨部门的专业员工与客户紧密合作,透过不断的细心耹听、学习,为客户设计一个最理想的运输方案,提高国际间的竞争力。一丝不苟的专业精神是我们的承诺;细心跟进的服务态度是我们对承诺的实践,承诺到实践,龙腾积极向前,不断求进,以达世界一级水准。FS International was established in Shanghai in 2001. In over years of service to international shippers, the Company has become one of the most trusted names in global logistics and transportation in its region. Headquartered in Hong Kong , the company has branch offices in major cities in the Far East. Together with our agents in over 50 countries worldwide, we are able to extend our logistics, know-how and experience in serving our clients.Through recognition of consolidated strengths to benefit our global client FS founded together with its long years business partners an international network namely EUROPE ASIA ALLIANCE (EAA) back in 2007. Over the years EAA has grown to a medium sized freight forwarding network with remarkable success due to its binding rule “exclusivity” which is the key to make ourselves distinctive from the other networks. Click EAA to know more.FS International provides a full range of logistics and transportation services with particular emphasis on efficiency and reliability at a competitive rate and, of course, the assurance of personal service. Our tactical services include import/export freight-forwarding, ocean and air transportation, overland transportation, custom brokerage and regulatory compliance, project cargo services, warehousing and distribution, supply chain management and information management.FS International’s business philosophy focuses on the principles of honesty, integrity and complete dedication to our clients. Our operations and management staff adhere to these principles with much enthusiasm and professionalism. In addition to providing superb customer services to our clients, we commit ourselves to know what matters most to our clients, by listening, by learning, by comprehending and by delivering tailored solutions. Cross-functional teams of professionals from every unit in our organization work with every our clients closely, continuously seeking opportunities for process improvement and savings. Ready to deliver attention to every detail, on every shipment, every time is our promise.Our intense customer focus is well complimented by a strong, mature global network of agents enable us to meet our clients’ most complicated shipping challenges, delivering even greater bottom-line value to their supply chain.At FS International, we’ve been helping customers grow for years by never losing sight of two basic values: We care. And we keep our promises.