About us
Superpress is a professional PR agency focusing on the luxury, lifestyle, art and cultural fields. We offer our clients with tailor-made communication strategy to create and sustain brand awareness in the China market.
Our clients includes: Christie’s, Vogue Fashion’s Night Out, Saint Louis (Hermès Group), John Lobb (Hermès Group), Shang Xia (Hermès Group), Sephora, Part Hyatt Hotel, Furla, Neiman Marcus, Perrier-Jouët, Galarie Dumonteil, etc.
Superpress has developed a strong relationship with main stream on-line and off-line medias as well as with Chinese key opinion ******* in the relevant industries. The team consists of Chinese and International PR multilingual experts with more than 10 years of experience.
The company is integrated into an active communication group, including: Glamour-sales (e-commerce), K2 (events), Superbla (new media communication), ZE Capital (Investment holding focusing on luxury and lifestyle projects/brands), and Naço architectures (creator of brand space).
For more information, please consult our website: *********************************
我们的客户包括:佳士得艺术品拍卖行,Vogue摩登不夜城,Saint Louis水晶(爱马仕集团),John Lobb尊湛鞋履(爱马仕集团),上下(爱马仕集团),丝芙兰,上海柏悦酒店,芙拉手袋鞋履,美国百年奢华时尚精品店 Neiman Marcus, 巴黎之花香槟酒,法国杜梦堂画廊,等等。