雅斯泰包装制品有限公司(Yasitai)是一家致力于环保塑料包装制品设计、开发、生产、销售与服务于一体的企业,主营PLA全降解高透冷饮杯、PET冷饮杯、寿司外卖包装盒、水果托盘、饭盒、汤碗等系列产品,产品涵盖PLA、PET、PETG、PP、PS、BOPS等多种材料、多种档次及规格,能满足客户对产品的不同需求。为顺应公司发展需求,现公司有深圳观澜和惠州沥林两个生产中心。 25年的风雨洗礼,经历数次产业升级,Yasitai始终扎根塑料包装行业,初心不改,精益求精。Yasitai注重持续引进先进技术及设备,购买优质原料,配套建造封闭式洁净车间,获得了QS生产许可证(粤XK16-204-03484),ISO9001、ISO14001、ISO22000国际质量标准体系认证等,为国内外客户与超市及食品连锁商提供环保理念先进、设计新颖、品质卓越、价格实惠的洁净包装产品。 Yasitai核心价值观:品质第一,客户为先。 Yasitai期待与您合作,共创双赢! 
 Company Introduction Yasitai Packaging Products Co.,Ltd is a professional manufacturer committed to the design, development, production and sales of environmentally-friendly plastic packaging products and services. Our main products are Compostable Pla Cups, Pet Cups, Sushi Tray, Fruit Container, Lunch Box and all sort of plastic thermoforming packaging containers of a wide range of materials including PLA, PET, PP, PS, BOPS, satisfying our clients’ demand for products of different grades and different sizes. Now we have our manufacture centers in Shenzhen and Huizhou in Guangdong Province.
 In 25 years of development, Yasitai has ran through several industrial upgrades. It has now obtained QS food production license and runs its full automatic production lines in closed clean workshop, which is operated strictly under ISO9001\ISO14001\ISO22000 quality management system. With adherence to constant introduction of advanced technologies and equipment as well as usage of high quality raw materials, we provide our clients, both national and international supermarkets and retail chains, with our clean packaging products of fully-environmental friendly, novel design, reliable quality and competitive price. The core value of Yasitai is: QUALITY FIRST, CUSTOMER FIRST. Yasitai, look forward to cooperate with you and achieve a win-win future.



  • 深圳市龙岗区宝龙街道宝龙社区清风大道43号华强宝龙工业厂区1号厂房102
  • 未公布
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