瑞传科技股份有限公司简介 公司名称:瑞传科技股份有限公司 地址:新北市238树林区博爱街242号 企业网址:****************.tw 瑞传集团成立于1993年,是台湾的一家上市集团。主要从事工业计算机的研发,生产及销售于一体的跨国型企业,是Intel全球九大应用电脑平台供应商(IACPP)成员之一。 瑞传集团总部位于中国台湾,并在中国台湾和中国大陆设有制造中心;研发与整合事业群则分布在中国台湾、中国大陆、美国、德国,印度等;销售与服务据点更遍布世界各地。 本公司拥有广泛而齐全的产品线可满足客户在电讯、医疗设备、工业自动化、国防及生活自动化市场上的不同需求。主要产品计有工业计算机整合应用服务、网络通讯整合应用服务、垂直市场整合应用服务、工业用平板计算机应用服务等产业计算机产品。 Rui Chuan group was founded in 1993, is a listed company in Taiwan. Mainly engaged in research and development, production and sales of industrial computer in one of the multinational enterprises, is a member of the world's nine application of computer platform provider (IACPP) Intel. RUI Chuan group is headquartered in Taiwan, China;and in Taiwan, China and the Chinese mainland has a manufacturing center. R & D and integration of the business group is located in Taiwan, China, the United States, Germany, India, etc.Sales and service positions are more spread throughout the world. The company has a wide range of product lines to meet customers in the telecommunications, medical equipment, industrial automation, defense and the different needs of the life automation market. The main products include industrial computer integrated application services, network communications integrated application services, vertical market integration application services, industrial tablet applications such as computer services and other industrial computer products. 交通状况简介: 1.公司位于松江漕河泾开发区园区内,园区位于闵行区与松江区的交界处,东临沪杭高速,南临新砖公路,西接九新公路,北接九亭界河,区位优越。 2.临近徐家汇商圈和虹桥商圈,附近还有9号线九亭站和1号线莘庄站。 3.园区还有通往1号线莘庄地铁站的班车,今年年底将要开通通往9号线的班车。



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