杭州九州方园科技有限公司,是一家从事信息平台、智能设备、节能技术研发和系统集成的创新型科技公司。公司秉乘“科技创新、服务社会”的经营理念,以人才建设为基础、科技创新为核心。服务社会为宗旨,以整合资源、开拓创新、互惠共赢为发展思路,致力于提升人们的数字化生活品质。公司拥有一批高学历、高素质、高水平的管理和研发人员,其中教授1人、博士3人,硕士10人,并与浙江大学联合共建“九州方园——浙大联合研发中心”。产品覆盖了政府、卫生、城建、公安和企业等多个应用领域,并获得客户的高度评价。Hangzhou Jiuzhou Fangyuan Science and Technology Company, Ltd. is mainly engaged in the research and development of the information platform, the intelligent equipment, the energy conservation technology and the system integration,etc. Based on the principle of “Technology Innovation; Customer Priority”, the company gets the support and the praise from its clients. The company always attaches great importance to constructing the foundation of taking the talented and makes the scientific innovation as the core of its future development. It is devoted to integrating resources and technology innovation to improve people's digitized life quality.The company has its own high-quality research personnel , including one professor ,three doctors and ten masters.It has set up Jiuzhou Fangyuan & Zhejiang University Associated R&D Center together with Zhejiang University. The products have covered many application fields, such as the government, the health, the urban construction, the public security and the enterprises ,etc., and enjoy the high appreciation of the customers.杭州九州方园科技有限公司客户主要包括:金融、公安、政法及各大中外企业;主营业务包括:客户的数据中心的虚拟化基础架构的咨询、设计及实施;金融企业数据中心的数据仓库建设,以及基于数据仓库的上层银行业务相关系统及产品的研发;同时为银行公安等行业提供用户安全行为审计产品,保证客户数据安全。



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