Deutsche Telekom is one the world’s leading integrated telecommunication company, with 3 profitable brand T-Home, T-Mobile and T-Systems including approximately 132 million mobile customers, 32million fixed network lines, and more than 17 million broadband lines. We are present in around 50 counties , With a staff of some 230,000 employees throughout the world , we generate revenue of EUR 58.2billion in the 2012 financial year, over half of it outside Germany .
德国电信是全球领先的综合性电信公司之一,旗下三个主要品牌T-Home, T-Mobile 以及T-Systems共拥有超过1.32亿手机用户,3200万条固网线路以及超过1700万条宽带线路,在全球50多个国家、地区开展业务,世界各地有超过230000名员工,2012年财年收入达到582亿欧元,其中一半来自德国境外。