ASP是全球创新灭菌和消毒解决方案供应商,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州欧文市,在世界各地设有多个办事处。 ASP支持医疗机构保护患者免受医源性感染的影响,其解决方案包括提供设备、耗材和软件,用于可重复使用手术器械的低温终端灭菌和高水平消毒。加入我们,共同为患者及其家人、医疗工作者以及社区生活创造安心的环境。
Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP) - In healthcare, nothing is more important than protecting patients. So it’s vital to ensure the safety of the care environment – especially the medical devices and equipment that come into contact with vulnerable patients.
ASP is in infection prevention solutions for healthcare. With advanced products, technologies, and workflows for medical sterilization and disinfection, ASP is dedicated to defending the lives of patients, families, healthcare workers, providers, and communities.
Add your voice and talents to our extraordinary Fortive/ASP team, and help us make healthcare safer for everyone.
ASP is based in Irvine, California, USA with core sites in Everett, Washington and Schaffhausen, Switerzland plus many more offices around the world.